Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Step Into My Parlor


Feels like a day with enough swirling good and bad around me that it's probably a good time to share a few likes and dislikes, and let you get to know a bit more about the quirks behind the Nevets.

First, the really exciting news: I've completed Sublimation, just shy of 100K words at this point.  I'm in the middle of one final solo revision, and then I'll be handing it over to a few readers and an editor.  Then, assuming there's not too much major work to be done, I'll begin querying agents.  I'm incredibly excited about this book, a dark psycho-philosophical thriller about rules and gamesmanship in a surreal vortex of violence and personal collapse.

Another good thing going on right now is improved health.  I've not really talked about it or made a  big deal, and I will continue to do neither, but I wanted to share this as an encouragement.  Over the course of the past eighteen months or so I've lost about sixty pounds.  I'm still not at my ideal weight, but I already feel much better, and while I still suffer from terrible allergies and some other health issues, there's no question that I have more energy and stamina to get through the day.

On the other hand, something that frustrates me more than it should.  Things should just do what they're supposed to do. When a door doesn't open, a container holds food other than it's labelled for, or a video glitches and fails, it really jars me.  Even worse, when a book is interrupted by another book . . .

What's that?

Yes, today I received my copy of Stories for Sendai. I asked Rose to take my picture with it when she had a chance, and then, as I was flipping through the pages I started to get confused.  Apparently Michelle and JC had used some excerpts of Thomas Paine's Common Sense and Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland in among the stories.  Strange choices, but editors will be editors.  It seemed extra strange that they included artwork.  Even stranger, that there was a table of contents for Common Sense.  Then, I realized that these weren't excerpts.  They were entire books.  A book nested within a book, nested within a book.  And the interruption was right in the middle of a story.  Jarring.  Frustrating.  Agonizing.

But after a quick conversation with Michelle to confirm that not all the printed volumes were shipping like that, I was able to use the pains-free, questions-free Amazon replacement process and I have a corrected book shipping to me already.  It's being well handled, but it definitely played straight into a hangup of mine.

Charles Frederick Gill,
image by Leslie Ward
for Vanity Fair (1891)
On a more ambiguous note, without reference to any specifics, I will also say that the past few days (between Battlestar Galactica and the news), I've been once again reminded just how much I get into jurisprudence.  I don't mean trial news or courtroom drama.  I mean the actual legal, philosophical, and ethical nuances which go into the operations of a legal system, especially our American adversarial system.  Always gets my heart beating just a little faster.  Even when I was just tutoring students in comm law, which is pretty dang boring.  Jurisprudence really is, in its own right, a battle between rules and gamesmanship, both of which I adore.

Little known fact: There was a time I was thinking seriously about law school, but was frightened off mostly by the money.

Less known fact: When I was thirteen or so, I checked out several volumes of the Indiana code and read through them so that I could understand the difference in nuance between larceny, burglary, and grand theft.

And then, ending on a really positive note: I got to have a brief exchange with writer and Twitter-friend Shopgirl about the Chinese langauge today and how cool the Beijing accent is.  Makes me grin.  I really don't understand it, but there's no denying it: as much as I enjoy other languages, there's something about Mandarin Chinese that just hits deep inside me and resonates from head to toe.



  1. Congratulations on both fronts: your book and improved health. Thanks for mentioning me, my dad tried to get me to be a lawyer since I was five. Something about how I like to argue, isn't it funny?

  2. Woo hoo, congratulations on finishing that first draft, Nevets. I envy you. Mine is languishing while real life takes every ounce of me for now *sigh* I keep whispering to my notebook at night "Soon, my pretty..."

    Congratulations too on the weight loss and better health- the latter is the most important thing anyone can have and I am so glad to hear it.

    By the way, your book is about.." I'm incredibly excited about this book, a dark psycho-philosophical thriller about rules and gamesmanship in a surreal vortex of violence and personal collapse."

    Who said you could write about my life, huh?

    Okay, so take out 'psychological thriller' and put 'animated 80's concept video' and then swap out 'violence' and substitute 'random Muppet references' and you've got my life. :~D

    But close. Damn close.


  3. @Shopgirl - Xie xie. And, yeah, my love of arguing, research, and manipulation have gotten me that, "Hey, you should be a lawyer," thing a lot. I think public defenders who do so by choice because of their belief in the rights of all accused are very cool, even if naive and idealist.

    @Bru - You'll get there. Trust me, I know about life. And life can keep the writing down for a while, but not for the count, unless you let it. My writing lay still for years at one point.

    As far as writing about your life, mostly because it's also my own life. lol Those concept videos have been a huge influence, btw, as have the muppets.

    So. Which muppet are you and which do you wish you were?

  4. (I might be Sam Eagle on both counts.)

  5. I can't wait to read both your book and the short stories. Thanks for the update.

  6. Thanks for the update, Nevets. Good to hear the book is almost done and WOW on the weight thing. 60 pounds is not to be sneezed at. Keep fighting the good fight, dude.

    ps - my word verification is "wistibit". How cool/ quirky is that.

  7. What a mix of things! I didn't know you had lost that much weight, but last time I saw you, you did look thinner! I think it's wonderful you're feeling better. In fact, that makes me super happy. :)

    And let's just ignore that Stories for Sendai error... lol. I'm telling you, though, it might worth a lot of money one day! Maybe... :)

  8. Finishing a draft is a great moment, Nevets. Enjoy it!

  9. @Clarissa - You're welcome! I hope you like the anthology!

    @Michael - Wistibit amuses me far more than I can quite explain. hahaha And thanks!

    @Michelle - Thanks! :-D

    @Tim - I am enjoying it! Especially since I revise as I go so it's a bit further than a draft. Very excited! :)


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